What Is Force-[Definition,Meaning,Examples]-Different Types of Forces And Their Examples

Force- Mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the condition of rest or motion of material objects around us. It is one of the oldest branches of physics.The various sub-branches of mechanics in physics are:
  • Static-Study of objects at rest or equilibrium.
  • Kinematics- Deals with the motion of objects without considering the cause of motion.
  • Dynamics- Deals with the motion of objects considering the cause of motion.
Our Today discussion about - What Is Force- [Definition, Meaning, Examples] - Different Types of Forces And Their Examples.

What Is Force-[Definition,Meaning,Examples]-Different Types of Forces And Their Examples

What Is Force - Definition

A force is that physical cause which changes (or tends to change) either the size or shape or the state of rest or motion of the body. -OR- It is that cause (condition) which can produce the following two main effects:
  • It can change the state of rest or motion of the body ( i.e., it can produce motion in the body).
  • It can change the size or shape of the body.  ( i.e., it can change the dimensions of the body).
Units - Newton 

Force Meaning 

It is nothing but a Push or Pull on an object.

  • When force is applied on the pedal by a cyclist, the speed of the cycle increases.
  • A free falling object continuously gains speed due to the earth's pull acting along its direction of motion.
  • The speed of a moving vehicle is slowed down by applying the brakes.
  • A stone tied to one end of a string, whirling at a constant speed in a horizontal circle, changes its direction of motion continuously due to the force of tension in the string (which acts normal to the direction of motion of stone).
  • In cricket, tennis, and badminton, the direction of motion and the speed of the ball (or cock) is changed by hitting it in the direction other than its direction of motion.
  • A player pushes with a hockey stick tó change the speed and direction of motion of the ball.

What is Force in Physics?

In a way that has a particular meaning. Whenever force is applied to a rigid object (say a brick).The object itself does not change the inter-spacing between its constituent particles. Therefore it does not change the dimensions of the object but causes only the motion in it. On the other hand, when applied on a non-rigid object (say cotton cloth), changes the inter-spacing between its constituent particles and therefore causes a change in its dimensions and can also produce motion in it.

Examples of Force

  • The push exerted by a broom moves the trash.
  • A ball lying on the ground moves when it is kicked.
  • The pull exerted by a horse makes a cart move.
  • The pull exerted by a steam engine moves a train.
  • Pull due to gravity (or the earth's pull) makes an apple fall.
  • A fielder on the ground stops a moving ball with his hands.

Different Types of Forces And Their Examples

What Is Force-[Definition,Meaning,Examples]-Different Types of Forces And Their Examples
From the point of view of the application, the forces are classified into two categories, namely,
  • (i) Contact forces and
  • (ii) Non-contact forces.
  1. The force of friction (frictional forces)
  2. Normal reaction 
  3. Force of tension exerted by a string
  4. Force exerted by a spring
  5. Forces exerted on two bodies during the collision, etc.
Non Contact 
  1. Gravitational
  2. Magnetic forces
  3. Electrostatic
This all about the basics of What Is Force-[Definition, Meaning, Examples]-Different Types of Forces And Their Examples.


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