What Does Acceleration Mean-Formula,Find, Acceleration,Examples,Difference
The term acceleration is a part of mechanics. Mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the condition of rest or motion of material objects around us. It is one of the oldest branches of physics.The various sub-branches of mechanics in physics are: Static-Study of objects at rest or equilibrium. Kinematics- Deals with the motion of objects without considering the cause of motion. Dynamics- Deals with the motion of objects considering the cause of motion. Our Today discussion about the Kinematics. Lets start What Does Acceleration Mean? When moving object changes its velocity (speed in given direction), we use the term in Physics saying that body is accelerating. Object Changes Velocity = Accelerating Question- A car is travelling in a straight line at a constant velocity of 80 kilometres an hour. What is its acceleration? Answer- It is zero. It is because velocity is constant.There is no change in velocity. Question- A plane is travelling in a stra...